tisdag 1 februari 2022


 Listening to this, their 18th studio album, today I'm amazed. Not one sign of fatigue or ennui. Instead I get a very fresh blend of pop, folky and hard rock, sincerely sang and played and loaded with catchy moments. Balm for the soul for this old Tull fan. Impossible to pick favorites since I'm all in with it all, but the gripping ballad "Still Be Loving You Tonight" with its beautiful guitar riff makes me wanna listen again and again, the very cool "Rocks On The Road" and "Roll Yer Own" haul me in every time and "This Is Not Love" classic Tull magic with some excellent Barre guitar. I could probably write a novel about this LP, but won't. You may already have figured out I'm in love with it, so I'll stop here and just add a couple of songs so you can hear for yourself. Also released on vinyl in UK, South Africa and a couple of countries in Europe and South America. Most original CD and cassette issues came with thirteen tracks, adding "White Innocense", "When Jesus Came To Play" and "Sleeping With The Dog".  The very first UK and German limited issue LP:s also had an EP added with those songs. Sadly this is not one of those, but the ten cuts here are sure enough for my well-being for now. First EEC (now EU) had label as shown here in a matt cover with lyric/credit inner.   (YÖHT*)




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