This was her debute album. But as I already have and am very
pleased with the the mono - please check that for more on the
release itself
- why would I need the corresponding stereo? Because it was
produced and partly arranged by George Martin, who also oversaw
the mixing. This was recorded at about the same time as "Beatles
For Sale"
and with the, for its time, very enjoyable two-channel mixes on
that I wished the ones here would come out as good. And they
actually do, at least to my ears. One of the better UK 1964 stereo
mixes I've heard so far. The equipment they used very primitive
compared with todays standards. From back then you often got vocals and
music divided between the speakers or rhythm section in one and the rest
in the other. But this comes all very well balanced. There are nice
stereo effects, but lead vocals mostly centered to a fully fledged
background. Maybe not my all time favourite female singer, she could
sound a little strained sometimes, but the production, arrangements,
mixes and audio here are just dandy, so good listening and a keeper for
sure. Originally issued like this also in Germany, Downunder, Israel,
Rhodesia and South Africa. Japan 2017 CD on Oldays Records (ODR 6450)
came with four bonus tracks. This copy seems to be one of the first
pressed as it has -1/-1 matrices and 1/G 1/G mother stampers*%29 . It came
with label as shown here in a laminated flip/back cover with "EMITEX"
inner. (FÄV*) (CÄLÄ*) (PÖX*)