söndag 23 december 2018


Never been much for annual celebrations of any kind and since I live alone nowadays and try to work as much as possible over Christmas and New Year, there's not a lot of time or will to get in the true holiday spirit. Spare time is mostly eat and sleep. But sometimes when feeling lonesome in the midst of it all I like to revisit a classic concert...and through pure vinyl magic getting back to a time and place where I can feel warm and relaxed. There are many good ones to choose from, but for this Christmas it'll be the ones counted below. To me they all have the combination of top performance, audio and presence that can put me in a festive mood, Christmas or not. So I'm in for a treat, hope you are too whichever way you choose. Taking a break now up till New Year and back again whith renewed strength 2019. Happy Holidays wherever you are. Erik (ALCÖ*) (RÅ*) (CÖL*) (HÄH*) (WÖH*)

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