torsdag 12 maj 2022


 An album today widely celebrated and high on many best ever album lists. It's also one of the most explored with miles written about it on different medias. Pointless to repeat any of that here, so this is just some personal thoughts. To my taste it is one of his best, if not the best. Still sounding as fresh as fifty years ago and will with all certainy remain salient many zeitgeists to come. I'm not just clinging to the obvious "Life On Mars" and "Changes", but it all. For now especially "Queen Bitch", "Quicksand" and "The Bewley Brothers". Had a UK laminated back then since that was more common at first. Lost it in some trade years ago and have recently tried to find another one, but the prices are so out of my league I can't even dream of catching a copy. Yet there are truly rewarding reliefs. Shown here is a premiere US (Indianapolis press), which has a lot going for it. Though also very rare the prices aren't even close to UK 1st. The audio is a-ok, the insert is there and the sleeve something else. The name and title only showed on the shrink, so when that is removed the front is just the framed picture, without any "disturbing" fonts. It's also fully structured, giving it a strange luster. Guess it'd fit any fan's wall. So to my taste this US sleeve beats the hell out of the UK laminated. Would still be nice to come across one of those, but with this I don't miss it that much anymore. Issued and reissued on every possible format all over the world through the years, some with bonus tracks. I can't count them all.  (YZÄ*)  (PKÅ*)





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