torsdag 1 september 2022



One-off LP from a Glasgow band which is new to me and I can't seem to find anything about on the net. Would love to know more, so if You have insight please comment and tell. Seen the record described as psych and/or prog by some sellers.  The title and sleeve design do promise something hard, but most of it come out rather soft and melodic - like  "I'm Moving On" carried by some nice organ and caressing guitars, the orotund "Come Along", or the piano ballad "Seems Like Any Fool". The two tracks I appreciate most are the up-tempo ones - "Corridors" with some very sweet guitars and "She Needs Me" filled with nice organ. Full album below so you can hear for yourself. Maybe surplus knowledge, but some might like to know this was produced by Rolling Stones first drummer Tony Chapman, who also played with The Preachers and Herd and produced the debute for another Glasgow group - Tear Gas "Piggy Go Getter"  . To my ears this is good, but you get the feeling they had a lot more to give and a following album for a big label with big budget might have been a breakthrough. Sadly nothing more was heard from them on LP so we'll never know. Premiere UK on Famous (SFMA 5752) also issued on vinyl in Italy and Downunder. To my knowledge never issued legally on CD. Swedish and Russian unofficial on Flawed Gems (Gem 8). First US had label as shown here in a glossy fold/out cover.  (YZÄ*)



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