fredag 16 augusti 2024



Since I don't collect singles anymore one of my most welcome bin finds are compilations of earlier 45 only cuts, especially if those were odd and obscure. This is a good one. An A-side from one of Steampacket II:s three Singels, A-side from The Shakers 1966 debute 45, second single from The Merrymen With Boz (Boz Scaggs), T-Boones 1965 debute 45 with Kenny Håkanson on guitar, Lea Riders Group with a very obscure flip side "Dom Kallar Oss Mods" (from the film with the same name), Shakemakers 1965 debute 45, The Bootjacks third 45, a Cherry Stones 1965 flip side and Mascots 1965 A-side. Tages and Lee Kings were more successful at the time, but their tracks here originally only figured on flexi discs issued by rock magazine Bildjournalen, as did The Namelosers cut "Do-Ao". All crowned by Shanes "I Don't Want You Love", to my taste their best 45 and one of the best Swedish r/b cuts ever. All presented in original mono. To me such a plethora of wealth makes it hard to chose favorite tracks, but why not Lea Riders Group psych/prog "Dom Kallar Oss Mods", Namelosers "Do-Ao" with its pumping drums and violent gutars and of course Shanes "I Don't Want Your Love". To my knowledge this was the only vinyl release. Also on CD in Sweden (AMCD 2032) and unofficially in Russia (same number). Premiere Swedish had label as shown here in a fully laminated cover.  (SÄM*)  (SCÄ*)  (CCÖ*)






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