söndag 11 augusti 2024


 Garage rock combo from Mansfield, Ohio. 1966-68 they released eight 45:s, whereof only one - a cover version of "Little Bit O'Soul", first recorded by UK band The Little Darlings - became a big success, reaching #2 on Billboard. Therefore today mostly seen as a "one hit wonder". This album was a one-off, presumably recorded to cash in further on the single. There are also covers of Question Mark & The Mysterians "96 Tears" and Terry Knight And The Pack's "Love, Love, Love, Love, Love", the latter allegedly using the same recording as TKATP but with new vocals. The rest penned by the band and/or their producers Jeff Katz, Jerry Kasenetz and Elliot Chiprut. So a hastily made cash-in album that didn't made it back then and today is mostly overlooked by collectors and critics, can that really work for a garage lover 2024? Well it does for me. I get a fair amount of raw guitars, screamy vocals, pumping drums and organ. Stereo quality shifts a little though most of it good. Some of the songs sounds dangerously close to other bands in the genre, but many bands back then borrowed shamelessly from each other and these guys still had feeling and energy enough to get away with it. Apart from the title track my favorites would be the up-beat "Let Yourself Go" and "What Did I Do To Deserve Such A Fate". First released in US and Canada on Laurie (SLP/LLP 2040). These and this UK is to my knowledge the only original vinyl issues. Japan 2018 CD on Oldays Records (ODR 6535) came with four bonus tracks. First UK had ridged label as shown here on heavy vinyl in a laminated cover. The "sample record" sticker indicates a UK promo, given out to DJ:s and radio stations. A you can read there it was strictly against the law to sell.  Not sure why it's numbered, but maybe so they could trace a stray copy and prosecute who ever got it in the first place.  (ÖRJ*)






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