lördag 27 september 2014


Time for a golden oldie. Eight danceable cuts - fast and slow - seven instrumentals and one with vocals by June Harvey. An exemple of the music my father listened too when I grew up. It never really got to me when I was a kid and as the pop boom flourished in my early teens I got ruder melodical interests. Today I enjoy listening to early press LP:s from that era. Still not so much because of the music, but to soak the warmth and atmosphere of the recordings. It's more than just the songs - like getting a cut out piece of the fourties in your head sixtyfive years later. Some may argue it's the same kind of magic anachronism you get with movies and TV. I don't agree. Taking part of old filmed situations today craves adjustment to new formulas and devices which strips the original ambiance and replace it with one created by modern standards. Difference is for albums you can use any decent analog equipment from then to now and you're there. Many of these early LP:s were transferences from '78:s, but here it sounds like an original recording and the audio is smashing. Early 10 inch issues had label as shown here, thick unflexible vinyl and thick cover. (NYFÖ*) (YZÄ*) (CLÄZ*)

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