onsdag 3 september 2014


The concept "progressive" in music can be used for a number of styles and genre mixes. Almost always on a jazz and/or classic foundation, but now and again also with rock, blues or melodic pop components. My favs have always been the smorgasboard type albums where I can get a little of this and a little of that, especially with catchy tunes interspersed. Tarkus has it all - from memorable melodic songs as "Jeremy Bender", "A Time And A Place" and the vocal parts in "Eruption" to form experiments and virituoso performance. Just listen to "The Only Way/Infinite Space" with a slow organ/vocal intro that suddenly goes off into a light jazzy piano part and eventually merges the themes into something apparently different. There's also a homage to recording engineer Eddy Offord - "Are You Ready Eddy?". About time one of those otherwise unsung studio heroes got some attention. Some of the lyrics may seem pretentious today, but such was the zeitgeist and you can't have one without the other. The audio on this early UK press is formidable, allowing me to enjoy every twist and turn. A very rewarding package indeed. First US on Cotillion (SD 9900), also as white label mono promo. Frequently re-issued on vinyl and CD. Premiere UK had label as shown here and thick fold/out E.J. Day cover. (ÄPY*)

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