tisdag 19 september 2017


Another of those commonly known household records I got very little new to say about, but feel I have to have on this page one way or another. After four solo LP:s, with or without Wings, all met with mixed reviews and not always unconditional love from fans, he finally nailed it. A mix of catchiness and adventure, using old familiar ingrediences yet making them sound new and fresh. Everything fits - nine top songs performed so warm and embracing it's impossible not to get immediately caught though with enough twists and turns to make it special and last for a very long time, all conveyed by tophole audio. Guess so far I'm just preaching to the choir here, but if I can say something maybe not commonly known it'll be about the 1st UK stock press. As only the first issues came on Apple it is important for the collector to have one of those. But there are also distinctions between the Apples. Very first, apart from having early matrix no:s, came with a sturdier cover, while later are more floppy, and the labels are a lot clearer which can be distinguished by the band pics appears fuzzier on the later ones. Don't think there's much difference in audio - compared my "clear label" -1/-1 marix copy with the "fuzzy" -2/-3 and they sound about the same to me. All UK Apple pressings had label design as shown here, matt dated (7312) G&L cover with cut corner inner and pic poster. (BÄ*) (ÄPLÄ*) (MÄCC*)

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