fredag 10 maj 2019


For more on him and the duo check post on his 1967 LP "This Is Lee Hazlewood". Reason I bought this in the first place was to get "Summer Wine" and "Jackson" - both hits in Sweden back then and frequently played on radio. Though not on my top list those days they stuck and now I thought would be a good time to reaquaint and see if they've grown for me. And they have in a way. The fact that I remember both and can sing along to some of it after almost fifty years shows on remaining caliber, no matter genre or zeitgeists. Feels good to listen and reminisce and though non of the other songs speak directly to me I'm also impressed by the overall qualiy of the LP. Produced by Lee himself and arranged by Billy Strange (who among other thing wrote songs for Elvis, composed James Bond movie themes, played with Beach Boys and worked with Nancy's dad Frank). Today when much like this is drawn through computors and adjusted digitally it feels good to hear real people doing real things and admire all the effort they put in to make it work. So even if not the exact type of music I usually listen to I have tons of respect for the, in its own way, perfect outcome and all the involved. Also audio and stereo mix on this German press are awesome - big, balanced and strong with perfect separation. Issued and reissued on most formats all over the world through the years. Premiere US on Reprise (RS 6273). UK mono (RLP 6273). US mono promo (R 6273). German 1996 CD on Boulevard (BLD 507 CD). First German had label as shown here and fully laminated cover. (GÖXÄ*)

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