torsdag 30 maj 2019


Since I'm new to this combo and just learning about them myself I wont copy any net facts, instead recommending this Wikipedia article for a band résumé - The_Chambers_ Brothers . Being a long time lover of emotional and vivid US soul it's a pity I didn't encountered this album earlier. I hear a blend of soulful outbreaks recorded more or less live in the studio with a true garage feeling. Haven't been able to figure out yet if it's some sort of compilation of earlier recordings or a joint session original album. But however that may be this works just fine with me, coming through direct and living thus 100% inviting. The stereo mixes may not be the best I've heard and the audio shifts between more or less ok, but you forget all about that when getting caught by the energy and passion. Still haven't picked out any particular favorite tracks, but just to show the variety - "Hooka Tooka" is rock'n'roll, "Rough And Rocky Road" and "I Fly Away" gospel and the rest blues or bluesish - all tied together by touching vocals in a warm soul atmosphere (here's a link if You wanna hear for Yourself ). My only regret at this moment is I can't turn up the volume. I'm writing this in the wee hours and as I don't wanna be evicted have to stay muffled at least five more hours before go. Can't wait... To my knowledege only issued in US and UK. Premiere US 1968 on Folkways (FTS 31008). First UK had label as shown here and laminated cover.

3 kommentarer:

  1. Can you upload this, please? Thanks so much!

  2. Got no means to upload this from here, bur here's a link to the album on Youtube.
