onsdag 22 maj 2024

MELANIE 6.24022 (-79) GERMANY

 For more on her, please check  https://monolover.blogspot.com/2013/02/affectionately-melanie-203028-69.html . Already at first listen to the world wide hit "What Have They Done To My Song, Ma?" I fell in love. Mental lyrics to accordion sung by the most intimate voice I'd ever heard. I listened again and again and even after fifty years it can still give me goosebumps if I'm in the right mood. I became an early follower, but it was a bumpy road, blending heartwarming songs with ones that didn't touch me at all. After a while I gave up though I still keep a couple of her albums for old times sake. This German compilation of 45 A:s and B:s from her early years is from the Melanie I like the most. To my taste it's all good here - apart from WHTDTMSM I get tophole covers of Rolling Stones "Ruby Tuesday" and James Taylor's "Carolina In My Mind" plus the happy-go-lucky "Brand New Key". I sit through it all with open ears, enthralled by that special voice. To my knowledge this was the only issue, also as cassette (4.24022). It came with label as shown here in a fully laminated cover.  (GÖXÄ*)  (FÄV*)






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