söndag 12 maj 2024


 The tale about how Beatles first was neglected by US Capitol and instead got their first contract with VeeJay label, which soon released a variation of the debute album, is well known. Then of course the band ended up with Capitol anyway. How all that happened and how this album came to be is a way too vast and complicated story to get into here, but if You're interested - check this Wikipedia article for full review   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Introducing..._The_Beatles#Version_one  . What you see here is in fact a re-issue of the US debute "Introducing...The Beatles" - a twelve track, omitting "Love Me Do" and "P.S. I Love You" -  under another name name in a totally different package.  Never owned a legit copy of the US original myself, so for me this is as good as it gets. As You can see the label carries the initial name, the audio is very good and the sleeve beautiful - a vivid three-quarter fold/out containing info and many pics of the boys. A lot better to the eyes than the original. No doubt an act of greed - a trial by VeeJay to squeeze more profit of what they had while they could, but listening to and looking at the result today I'm glad they did. It seems this exists with at least three different label designs - one with rainbow rim, one black with large "VeeJay" in an oval on top and this more plain "VJ" one. Don't know the timeline, but positive all three are early.    (YZÄ*)  (ÖXCÅ*) (BÄ*) (LGÅ*)





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