söndag 1 december 2013


I've seen a few of these white label copies through the years, but still don't know what they are. Some seem to confuse them with US white label promos and call them promotion copies. That's out of the question - they're way too common and exist with shifting matrix combinations showing at least three or four pressings. Others say they were exports to Germany. I'm having a hard time believing that. Export copies for Germany exist, but they came on blue/silver label with the German record number SLK 16.670P. One possiblity is export to Scandinavia, but I don't remember them at all from the shops here back then - all I saw was the regular UK. There are a few differences from the common UK first issue ruling out a simple color mispress. The copy shown here is an early press having -1W/-1W matrixes, but not with the fully laminated cover, only the front is laminated. Further all blue/silver labels have copywrite years "P 1970, *1969, **1968" - this has P1970 for all tracks. I don't believe it's a much later press either because of the first matrix. So I'm almost sure what it's not. Anyone here with more positive knowledge? (Through help on Steve Hoffaman's I finally got the answer - the white labels was UK exports to other European countries 1970, 1973 and 1976 following the tours the band made there those years. Exact year for each issue can be found on the original inner sleeves for each copy.) (RÅ*)(LYBÖ*)(ÖXÄP*)

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