tisdag 17 november 2020




Not counting the Supremes collaborations this was their fourth live album and last for over thirty years. Recorded at the "Talk Of The Town" nightclub in London, supported by Burt Rhodes And His Orchestra (steady backing machine at Talk Of The Town and among other things Rhodes also co-wrote the music for the Bond movie "Doctor No").  Produced by legend Norman Smith (1923-2008), who after serving as pilot in WW II went on to work with acts as Beatles, Pink Floyd and Pretty Things.  This is more or less a Temptaions Greatest Hits, performed live.  I get a six-song medley coupled with eleven full lengths and two short introductions and it's full speed ahead most of the time.  Up-tempo numbers with pumping bass and insistent orchestra. Even the slower cuts have so much energy they wont let you rest. Audio on this UK press is very good and stereo mix mostly so natural it allows me to just close my eyes and be there. It all comes in one unbreakable package so it's hard to pick favorites, but why not the medley where classics are woven together in a very vigorous way. Maybe you have to be a Temptations fan or at least a Motown buff to like it like I do, but it can also be recommended to lovers of well conveyed live performances.  Premiere US on Gordy (GS 953). Seventies vinyl also Downunder, Holland, Japan and France.  To my knowledge never legally issued on CD. First UK had label as shown here in a laminated flip/back cover.  (TÖMÖ*)  (LYBÖ*)  (ÄIÖ*) 





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