torsdag 3 november 2022


   Soundtrack to a movie about hippies doing drugs and having sex on Ibiza. Never seen it myself, but luckily there's no need for that to embrace the music. Like another Pink Floyd soundtrack - "Obscured By Clouds" - this can be enjoyed as a regular album and a very good one too. It was their third and first without Syd Barrett. Recorded on low budget in about two weeks and apparently much of the material improvised as they went along exploring whims and recording them without too much planning or ulterior motives and still making it sound so good. I can enjoy later overloaded albums like Dark Side Of The Moon or Whish You Were Here, but feel a lot more at home with their earlier stuff. This is the Floyd I like. A blend of pastoral, hard rock and experimenting, at the same time out there and very catchy. Stylewise more reminding of Atom Heart Mother than their first two LP:s. For me it all sticks together so it would be impossible to choose just a couple of favorites, but adding the whole album below if You haven't heard it yet or just want an update.  Issued and reissued on every possible format all over the world through the years. First US on Tower (ST-5169). Japan 2017 remasterd CD in paper sleeve with obi (Sony SICP 5403). Premiere UK had label as shown here, having "Sold In UK..." below EMI logo, in a laminated three flap flip/back cover with green rear and couple facing left.  (PÅX*)  (ZÖNT*)



2 kommentarer:

  1. Fantastic album. With "Ummagumma" both records shows Pink Floyd unique sound at this time (1969-70).

    1. Agreed. It's like they're trying out what they like to do without caring too much about how it will be recieved.
