lördag 1 juni 2024


 2-LP set with picks from a 1979 concert at Hammersmith Odeon, also released as a movie same year. An event to raise money for Cambodian war victims, arranged by Paul McCartney and Kurt Waldheim. It's an issue that seems almost forgotten by the large public today and one you with a little luck can find for a good price in the used bins. I don't understand why. It contains top perfomances by some of the greatest live bands back then - Who, Clash, Queen, Wings, Rockpile, Pretenders, Ian Dury and Specials. You get one odd collaboration where Robert Plant sings with Rockpile and three songs by Rockestra, including an incredible set of artists - among others John Bonham, John Paul Jones and Robert Plant from Led Zeppelin, Pete Townshend, Gary Brooker, Dave Edmunds, Ronnie Lane, Billy Bremner, Kenney Jones and Wings. All conveyed by smashing audio. When it comes to listening pleasures it's certainly top of the line. Impossible to pick favorites, but it's hard to beat around twenty minutes by The Who and the Rockestra version of "Lucille" is a killer. If You don't have it already and is a fan of tophole live rock'n'roll, it's highly recommended. Issued on vinyl all over the world early eighties, also cassette and 8-track, but to my knowledge never on CD or any digitalized media. First US had label as shown here in a glossy fold/out cover with brown "Atlantic Group" inner. (LYBÖ*) 




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