torsdag 20 juni 2024


 For more on the band and their rather riveting history please check post on the debute . This follow-up is a bit more diverse, blending r&b, country, blues and ballads, but by the same fearless garage manner. Mostly countryish in a very simple way, with sparse instrumentation and frequent use of skiffle board. Vocals never pretty, but always fitting the mood. You never know if they're serious with the result or just having fun. I love records like this, so honest and revealing yet in some strange way very catchy. And the audio on this vinyl is smashing - big,strong and natural. I sincerely hope they were having fun making it, cause I sure have listening to it. Favorite track "I Got Mine". Full album below. First released in UK (33SX 1745), sixties issues also in New Zeeland (33MSX 1745) and Canada (Capitol T 6161). Then reissued on vinyl and/or CD over Europe and in Japan. German 2005 CD on Repertoire Records (REP 5036) came with six bonus tracks. This Danish press came with the same stamped matrice numbers as UK (XAX 2872-1/XAX 2873 -1) in a Garrod & Lofthouse laminated flip/back cover, so I guess the only difference is the label design.  (CCÖ*)




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