tisdag 10 december 2019


Given the circumstances and my own sometimes rigid tastes concerning those here I shouldn't like this at all, but can't help doing it anyway. A band that in the seventies ruled the melodic rock and prog scenes with an almost unpresidented feeling for combining adventurous and captivating, making you feel both challanged and cozy at the same time. And with this, almost twenty years on, they'd shrunk down to a list friendly synth-pop trio. Always passed this by before taking for granted it was a mushy trifle, though after recently picking it up I hear lots of good. These guys could still write appealing songs and Phil Collins' vocals sounds as warm and personal as ever before. I don't love everything on it, but numbers like "I Can't Dance" and "Jesus He Knows Me" are incredibly catchy and the epic "Driving The Last Spike" - about British 19th century railway builders - strangely gripping. Also the audio on this UK 2xLP set is top notch and the all over atmosphere very amiable, so I'm glad I gave it a try and now have one more Genesis album to enjoy. Initially issued and reissued on CD all over the world through the years, while original vinyl seems to have been more limited. First US vinyl I know of is the 2018 2-LP Rhino release (R1 374780). Premiere UK had labels as shown here in a single matt cover with thin glossy picture/lyric/credit inners. (GYÄ*)

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