lördag 14 december 2019

NEW WAVE 6300 902 (-77) UK

One of many punk/new wave compilations issued in UK during the late seventies and early eighties, all having their own special features. To me this is one of the better, carrying a sixteen cut suite of raw and cheeky and just happens to have some of my favorite period numbers. Most of it by US acts, with one each from Australia, France, Irland and England. Punk classics like Ramones "Judy Is A Punk" and "Suzy Is A Headbanger", girl hard rock from The Runaways in "Hollywood" and Cherry Bomb", Little Bob Story doing a pleasantly grinding cover of "All Or Nothing", Patti Smith's strangely beautiful "Piss Factory"...and so on. The audio is superduper and the fact that it's on a collectible label just sweetens the deal. Good stuff...good listening. Originally released on vinyl all over Europe, Downunder, Japan and Mexico, also as UK cassette (Vertigo 7199 005), but to my knowledge never like this on CD. Premiere UK had label as shown here and thin glossy cover. (SÄM*) (FÄV*) (WLÖ*)

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