söndag 14 april 2019


I remember there were lots of controversies around this when first issued. Critics and public liked or disliked for different or sometimes the same reasons. It was a long awaited comeback, but he didn't sound like before, the songs handeled grown-up subjects instead of being rebellious and what put many fans off was the joint experience with Yoko. I was split at the time, didn't know what to think, lost my first copy in the early nineties and haven't had one since. So it was with mixed emotions I took this newly found for a spin, premiere after twentyfive years. But my feelings soon stabilized as I immediately connected and got goosebumps. Like a fine wine this LP has matured through the years and now sounds better than ever. It's the same old recording, but as the surrounding world have changed and I with that it fits me better today. There are a couple of Lennon songs that now must be considered classics - "Woman", "Just Like Starting Over", "Watching The Wheels", "I'm Loosing You" and "Dear Yoko" - but also some very good Ono cuts. "I'm Your Angel" a lovely twenties pastiche and "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss" very catchy reggaeish with enticing background talk. Whatever certain old-school fans may suggest there's no need to jump tracks on this one. A great album. Issued and reissued all over the world on every possible format through the years. There are so many different matrix variation for early US issues trying to establish a timeline just makes me dizzy. But according to most sources all 1st press copies have incorrect track order on rear sleeve, which this has so early it is, with label as shown here in a glossy cover including a lyric/credit inner. (YZÄ*) (BÄ*) (JYZÖ*)

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