lördag 6 april 2019


I quite liked this at first, spun it a lot and especially enjoyed the title track, but after a while my delight started to wane and it degraded to a seldom played collection filler. Even if both a critically and publically acclaimed album and Robert Fripp's guitars can't be denied, it could never measure up to its predecessor "Low". To my taste that is a killer, timeless in all its simple beauty. This feels more conniving with less good ideas and fewer, more prolonged cuts. And after being haunted by the commonly admired title track for years from everywhere, treated as some kind of elevator music, the whole LP became a no-no and I just let it be. Now giving it a chance for the first time in decades to see if anything's changed in our relationship. But sadly not a lot, at least not from my part. In a larger perspective better than many other peroid efforts, but compared with adjecent Bowie albums a low point. Only song that goes directly to my heart and gut is "Sons Of The Silent Age", the rest don't grab me much at all. It is a celebrated album and I would like to like it more, but I can't. Maybe later. Issued and reissued on every possible format all over the world through the years. First US on black RCA (AFL1-2522). Premiere UK had label as shown here and thin fully laminated cover with lyric insert. (PKÅ*)

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