lördag 27 augusti 2022


 Their eleventh studio LP and a kind of comeback after the announced breakup following the 1977 Storm Force Ten album. Here both Peter Knight and Bob Johnson were back in the band and all songs traditional and/or self-penned so one could expect something back to standard Steeleye Span. And it is in some ways, but also different. In all more pop and rock than folk, but with enough of the old feeling to at least satisfy me. E.g. title song has a smart riff and handsome harmonies, "Barnet Fair" catchy with some nice violine and "Gone To America" a beautiful ballad with carressing guitars. And Maddy Prior's vocals are reliable as ever. As a band fan I like it and even if to my taste not up there with the 1989 "Tempted And Tried" https://monolover.blogspot.com/2012/09/steeleye-spantempted-and-tried-add-9-89.html , it is one of many albums showing they had a lot to offer after their greatest success "All Around My Hat"  https://monolover.blogspot.com/2014/08/steeleye-spanall-around-my-hat-chr-1091.html  . If You doubt that - full album below! Issued and reissued all over the world on LP and CD through the years, also US and NZ cassette. Premiere UK on Chrysalis (CHR 1304). First US and Canadian 1981 on Takoma (TAK 7097). UK and US 1998 CD on Park Records (PRKCD 40) came with three live bonus tracks. First French had label as shown here in a thin glossy cover.  (MFÄX*)  (SÖPX*)  (FÄV*)  (BRYF*)






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