lördag 24 november 2012

TAGES/2 PALP 3002 (-66) SWEDEN

While the debute (  https://monolover.blogspot.com/2012/11/tages-palp-3001-65-mono-sweden.html  ) was surpisingly mature for this fresh teen group, with garage style covers of R&B numbers and fine production, this is something else. The style is more contemporary UK pop/rock with clear inspiration from English bands in performing - an exemple is the homage "Guess Who", where drummer Freddie Skantze plays Keith Moon all the way. The debute was managed by Swedish top producer Anders Henrikson wich made it stick toghether all through in style and performance. This was self-produced and is more fragmented and less comprehensive. I feel some of the covers are a size too big for them and maybe an experienced leader in the studio could have made a better fit. But there are a few top numbers here I just can't be without - all self penned. "I Still Remember" is melodic slow pop with very tasty guitar work, "In My Dreams" a ballad driven by an acoustic guitar riff and the ballad "Go", also acoustic with a very nice feel to it. Released in compatible stereo only, but the '45 issues had separate mono mixes (you can find them on "Best Of Tages" https://monolover.blogspot.com/2012/05/best-of-tages-palp-3005-67-mono-sweden.html ). First press with label as shown here, thick vinyl and fully laminated cover. (SCÄ*)(DÄXÖ*)(CCÖ*)

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