onsdag 19 augusti 2020


Los Angeles garage psych band formed 1965 by former doo-wop/soul singer Sky Saxon (born Richard Elven Marsh 1937-2009).  While their first two albums - the eponimous debute and "A Web Of Sounds" -  can be described as raw, drugged garage rock (I'll get back to those later), this third is more towards orchestrated psych.  It didn't go well with many of the band's early fans and just made top 100 on Billboard, so not a big hit back then. I have seen it compared to Sgt. Pepper, but don't get that at all. Both albums adding orchestrations to pop and rock songs  at about the same time, but that's about it.  While Pepper is a wonder of variety, faithfully covering popular genres back then, this also has it's blend but all in a more US sixties psych atmosphere.  I get eastern style in "Travel With Your Mind" and "Six Dreams",  positively drugged in " March Of The Flower Children", and "Flower Lady And Her Assistent",  chaotic psych in "Where Is The Entrance Way To Play...and so on.  Even if I can hear great things going on here I honestly don't feel invited to the whole party.  Either it's  too autist to be fully understood, or it is a true masterpiece and I just don't get it. My bad if so, in any case way too interesting to let go. Maybe I can find more love later. Original vinyl issued also in Canada, UK (Vocalion SAVM 6060), Italy, Downunder and a couple of Southamerican countries. Also issued as US mono (same number). EU 2013 2xCD on Big Beat Records came with both mono and stereo mixes plus session outtakes.  Premiere US had ridged label as shown here in a glossy fold/out cover.  Some copies came with three picture inserts sadly missing with this.  (YZÄ*)


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