söndag 23 oktober 2016


For more about the album itself check post on the UK mono. Don't know much about the background to this stereo. It was pressed in small quantities aimed at export only. Matrix numbers are stamped NSPL 18117 A-1 *T/NSPL 18117 B-1 *T. The T indicates cutting was made by Tony Bridge and the * that a Scully lathe and Westrex cutting amp was used for the procedure (more on that here http://www.aardvarkmastering.com/history.htm or http://forums.stevehoffman.tv/threads/lathes-mono-stereo.304423/ ). As these recordings never saw a proper stereo mix you'd expect it to be more or less rechanneled, but it's not. Instead an alternative mono all through (my conclusion since pushing the mono button to and from while listening doesn't cause any difference at all in balance, frequency, volume or ambience). In comparison to the regular mono brighter with bass tuned down, making the picture slightly wider and clearer. Could it be that since it was made in very limited numbers for abroad only they didn't care to replace the mono head on the lathe but used that for the "stereo" too and just altered the frequency? Anyway it sounds ok, maybe less warm than the ordinary mono but well balanced with fine separation...and certainly better than a two-channel fake would have been. So if you want any kind of stereo this is not it, but still a quite enjoyable alternative mono and that's worth something. First had ridged label as shown here on thick unflexible vinyl, laminated flip back cover with stereo stickers on front and back (missing on this copy) and Pye ad inner. (TÖW*) (PÖY*) (CPYC*) (ÖXÄP*)

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