lördag 9 juni 2012


Visiting auctions and sites on the net I see lots of variations of this UK LP posing as 1:st issue, 1:st cover and so on. Quite many also have a bonus single, poster or other inserts. All Pistols fans know the story behind this. After pressing started on the 11 track version of the LP, record company changed its mind and wanted to add one more song - "Submission". So the process halted and pressed copies were deleted. But all this took time and to meet competition from domestic 12 track issues in France and a few other countries they re-started the 11 track press and enclosed a '45 with the new song and a few other inserts. Common for these, since they are somewhat later pressings, is they all have later matrix numbers. This copy is from the first "deleted" bunch and have -1/-1 matrixes. Just before recording Sex Pistols had toured Sweden and gathered a following, so a record shop in Stockholm decided to be first and made a private import. This was executed directly, before production was stopped, and was from that first press. It did not sell well though since a big Swedish newspaper had an article where they warned people from buying this faulty issue and told them to wait for the domestic 12 track instead (which showed up a week later). There was also an interveiw with Lisa Anderson at Virgin, London who explained the error and told the new version was soon to be pressed. Just thought someone would enjoy knowing this. At least this ends the discussions which of all different back covers was first. This is it - the blank one!

2 kommentarer:

  1. Wow! That is a true holy grail! And a great album.

    RE: Bill Price; by all accounts the recording of this album came together very smoothly. If even remotely a fan, one should definitely watch the Classic Albums documentary of this. It gives great insight in the recording process and pretty much all the characters appearing in it are a delight to hear talking (and that includes Mr. Price and Thomas).

    1. Just checked it out. Thanks for the tip.
