måndag 8 januari 2018


When posting the UK mono I was positive that was superior to the corresponding stereo due to a comparison I did years earlier. Lately I've tried to find another 1st press UK stereo to be sure though haven't been able to secure one within my price range. This US original is just dandy, not up for another mono-stereo comparison since US and UK pressings could differ a lot at the time due to separate treatments, but with so much going for it it deserves a post of its own. Playing now and it fills the entire room - wide and well separated with lots of overlapping. It's easy to put down most stereos made from four channels as those were handeled using limited resources in comparison to later recordings with more allowing equipments. Still because the channels were few each part had the opportunity to come through bigger, clearer and more natural than if crammed with multiple others. So if the mixes weren't too bad and the pressing ok you could be very close to the performance itself instead of just recieving a refined product. And that's what I get here...big tasty chunks of The Who...very good. (YZÄ*) (WÖH*)

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