tisdag 21 januari 2014

YES/RELAYER K 50096 (-74) UK

After "Tales From Topographic Oceans" Rick Wakeman left for a solo carreer, displeased with the band getting more experimental and pretentious. He was replaced by Patrick Moraz - a classically trained keyboard player and initially jazz musician. That may have influenced the sound to some extent, still getting the big picture this is more or less a continuation of the "Tales" album. Although based on Tolstoy's "War And Peace" instead of Hindu motives it's the same kind of long complicated song structures where the singular parts or the weldment itself seems more important than creating an overall bond with the listener. I hear so much skill on every level and can appreciate it in theory, especially Steve Howe's guitars, but I'm not really there. "To Be Over" has some of the old magic - in the middle of all twists and turns there's a beautiful melody escorting you through and making it stick. The rest is just too introvert for me. First US on Atlantic (SD 18122). Premiere UK had label as shown here, matt fold/out cover and structured lyric inner. (JÄZ*)

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