lördag 11 januari 2014

CROSBY, STILLS & NASH 588 189 (-69) UK

A quintessential supergroup. Three guys from best selling bands Buffalo Springfield, Byrds and Hollies getting together and developing a fresh sound for the upcoming seventies. As hard rock began to emerge from white blues and things got heavier and rawer on the top lists they went the other way and developed a softer more melodic style based on vocal harmonies. In todays digitalized musical world, where styles and orientations constantly merge as products and artists are reduced to brands things like that are hardly noticable, but back then it was a big event. Not only because of the prominent people involved, but also the beautiful songs and top notch performance. Of all their work - some as a four piece with Neil Young, some as Crosby/Nash duo - this debute is still my favorite. Even if they did a lot of good later, the style and appearance was pretty much the same and here's the place where it all started. It also brings two of their best songs - "Marrakesh Express" and "Suite: Judy Blue Eyes". Premiere US on Atlantic (SD 8229). First UK had plum label as shown here and soft structured fold/out cover with picture/lyric insert. (ÄTHP*) (ZHÄ*)

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