måndag 11 augusti 2014

EGG SDN 14 STEREO vs. DN 14 MONO (-70) UK

When first posting the mono a couple of years ago I wasn't overly excited. Although hearing lots of skill and precision I found it too sterile, lacking connection. It's clearly a fold down from the stereo and the outcome shouldn't differ, but it does. Comparing the two first presses shows the mono is a reduction, but engraved louder and coming through somewhat clearer than a straight on fold. I can hear what disturbed me with the mono all those years. When the channels are connected and clarifyed the bass gets too much room, narrowing the whole thing and sometimes outrivaling the other input. The stereo has a pretty prominent bass too and the the two-channel mix isn't very wide, but it is more open with better balance which allows me to enjoy the whole spectra - especially the excellent keyboard play. The difference is minimal and may only matter for people with sensitive ears, still to me the two-channel makes it a much better LP. Found the stereo recently after having the mono for decades and now I can appreciate this early prog masterpiece a lot more. First US on Deram (DES 18039) came with same sleeve design. Frequently re-issued as CD on different labels, some with bonus tracks. Premiere UK had labels as shown here, laminated cover with die-cut hole on back and blue (stereo) or red (mono) rim inners. (DÄN*)(UKÖ*) (CPYC*)(MÅW*)

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