onsdag 13 november 2013


In March 1969 Robin Gibb (1949-2012) left Bee Gees after some turmoil, feeling he didn't get enough credits for his own work with the group. After eighteen months they reunited again, but while on his own he issued three singles, whereof the first "Saved By The Bell" reached #2 in UK, #3 in Germany and topped the lists in South Africa and New Zeeland. He also wrote, produced and recorded material for two albums - this being the first and the second "Sing Slowly Sisters" still unreleased. To my ears any of the cuts could have been on any contemporary Bee Gees album. Eleven slow, heavily orchestrated ballads with lyrics about lost loves, longing and shortcomings, so you really have to be in the right mood to enjoy it. One of the numbers arranged by Gibb himself the rest made by Vic Lewis (1919-2009) and Kenny Clayton - two well renowned jazz musicians and oldtimers in production and arranging. It is the orchestrations that makes this work for me, carrying the songs in a beautiful way making them real. Early US on ATCO (SD 33-323). German CD issue 1991 on Spectrum (847 914-2). First UK had label as shown here and fully laminated cover. (BÅXÅ*)

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