lördag 2 november 2013


The combo's third album, recorded just about a year after their first. At the time they were under a lot of pressure from Lou Adler and his Dunhill label to fullfill cotractual obligations and at the same time playing concerts and festivals. Drug abuse started to take its toll and the members private life suffered. I'm amazed that in the midst of all that they could deliver such a great album. It has no obvious classics as "Monday Monday" or "California Dreaming", but the overall impression is very attractive - well balanced with beautiful vocals and catchy melodies. A nice combination of self-penned and covers and not a bad moment. No need to jump tracks here - just get in there and go with the flow. There may have been more inventive and creative things going on in American music back then, but this is so cool and if I ever need a soundtrack to the Summer of Love - this is it. Favorite tracks - "Dedicated To The One I Love", "Boys & Girls Together" and "Twist And Shout". The audio on this UK mono is warm and cozy and fits the music perfectly. Premiere US on Dunhill (D/DS 50014). First UK had ridged label as shown here and laminated cover. (FÄV*)

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