torsdag 30 april 2020


Scandinavian version of the UK Flyback 4 issue (see earlier post), presumably made from the same tape. Also released with same tracking, label and sleeve design in Germany, Italy and Downunder, with further variations issued around the world about the same time differing in some aspect. So while the UK is sought after by FLY/Cube label collectors and some of the others may be favoured because of odd sleeve pics, this more common variety can with a little luck be found in the cheapest bins and there offering songs from one of the best sixties pop/rock bands for close to nothing. That is good value for money. All cuts melodic and catchy in the best possible way and the audio just fine. A candy bag where every sweet is a winner. If you for some reason haven't heard them yet, this is a tophole introduction with many reasons for love. Premiere Scandinavian came with label as shown here in a fully laminated cover. (CCÖ*) (PRÖX*)

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