fredag 10 april 2020


One of the most influential and celebrated blues guitarists of all times, with a carreer stretching from the early forties up to his death at age 89, 2015. His common nickname was "The King Of Blues" and it's safe to say the white blues that started to flourish around the globe in the sixties would have been a lot less without him. Therefore it's not surprsing that when he was recording this album to go with his 1971 UK tour, a long line of known British musicians showed up to take part. Alexis Korner, Ringo Starr, Peter Green, Stevie Winwood, Steve Marriot, Duster Bennett, Klaus Voorman, along various members of Humble Pie and Spooky Tooth among others. Even John Lennon was sheduled to pitch in on a couple of tracks but for some reason didn't. Since I grew up with British white blues and the American black forerunners, though being the original worth both recognition and admiration, never hit my gut with the same feeling, I have to admit with this I'm more starstruck by the crew than caught by the music. It is a good blues album, crowned by King's exquisite guitars and emotional vocals, but I probably wouldn't have bought it if it'd been recorded with a for me less famed cast. One of many more or less contemporary LP:s where European musicians participate in recordings with their black heroes and to my taste not the best, but still a must-have due to the artist composite. Issued and reissued on about every format all over the world through the years. First US on ABC (ABCX 730). Japan 2012 limited ed. CD in paper sleeve and obi came with one bonus track. Premiere UK had label as shown here in a laminated flip/back cover with credit/pic inner (missing with this copy). (CÖLÖ*)

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