torsdag 9 april 2020


Follow-up to his much celebrated and sales-wise very successful "So", six years later. I hear about the same allocation, though a little less accessible with fewer apparent hits. Like a more introvert version of the former, here among other things handeling divorce and relationship to his daughter. The next to perfect production and arrangements creates a surface that can be hard to break through, but when you do you'll find the same Peter Gabriel as before, poetic and empathic lyrics to an inventive background. One of those albums that doesn't come to you directly, but then grow with every listen. Only track I have a problem with is "Heat", which to me just sounds like a not so good sequel to "Sledgehammer, but for the rest I'm in. My favorites would be two where he's guested by the lovely Sinead O'Connor - "Come Talk To Me" and "Blood Of Eden". Especially the latter is so beautifully performed it can make your eyes wet. So even if the album seems impermeable at first, don't give up. Keep on spinning and you might find a treasure within. Issued and reissued on every possible format all over the world through the years. Initially on vinyl in a couple of European and South American countries. US 2002 limited ed. remastered 2xLP on Real World Records (PGLP 10). First German had label as shown here in a stickered fully laminated cover and inners containing lyrics, credits and one small pic for each song. (GYÄ*) (GÖXÄ*)

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