söndag 6 maj 2012


It's hard to find a well sounding rock live album from the sixties. There wasn't equipment good enough to make it work for the band or the recording crew. Some are OK, but never near later masterpieces as "Colosseum Live" or "Roxy and Elsewhere". This however is a good one. Long considered a Swedish domestic affair, but since a few decades back hailed by garage fans world wide. (US Bomp magazine have called it "one of the best ever"). Made from two concerts, one on each side of the LP. There was an after-mix, but no later overdubs, so it's pretty much as it was. Audio's not perfect, but as good as it could get from the circumstances. Crowd noise is there, but only as a background. I like the side two concert best - both for the nerve and its slightly better sound quality. Cover picture below is from that tour, showing the gig gear and a very young Benny Andersson at the organ. I was at a concert on this tour back in -65 and can guarantee this recording is pretty close. Second photo below is one I took at the occation with the singer Svenne Hedlund on crouches after falling down from a speaker at an earlier gig. Bad quality as you'd expect from a twelve year old with an Instamatic. Premiere issue with label as shown here and laminated cover. (SCÄ*)(LYBÖ*) (HÄH*)(CCÖ*)(ÄBBÖ*)

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